As prescribed by Paulina Constancia

Dose # 70: Knits & Nets 2: Crocheted Cells by Emily Barletta

Today, an artist brings crocheting and biology together in her masterpieces…

Dose # 69-75- Knits & Nets

Dose #70:
Knits & Nets 2:
Crocheted Cells
by artist Emily Barletta

The Idea: using yarn and crocheting techniques instead of paint and brush applications to make masterful works of art


FLESH SPOT-emily Barletta

Flesh Spot
crocheted yarn
44 x 31 x 5 inches
Art by Emily Barletta



A Little About Artist Emily Barletta
In her own words


The artist Emily Barletta


Emily started making art as a result of a spinal disease.
“When i was 12 years old I suddenly grew a hunchback and then when I was 15 I had a major reconstructive surgery that left me 2 1/2 inches taller and with a straight fused spine that does not bend or curve at all. It also left me with a whole new set of problems. This was about the same time I started making art and it became a way in which I could express this thing that was happening to me. If I had never experienced this, I would still make art but I don’t know what it would look like. I have had other surgeries since then and i’m not sure how this thing works out in the end, but I have good and bad days, and good days that are bad days and bad days that are good days, it gets complicated. So I am always aware of my body and this makes me obsessed with thinking about organs, blood, veins, muscles, cells, and internal biological functions, as well as all sorts of interesting diseases and deformities and medical science that I love to read about and then make imaginary representations of crocheting and embroidering just turned out to be a meditative art form i could do while in bed where i make almost all of my art.” – Emily Barletta , Interview on myloveforyou


Self expression can be very therapeutic.
“When you are in pain and also a young person it can be very lonely and isolating, I had trouble relating to other young people. I imagine any form of self-expression can be very therapeutic. It gave me something to do when I was in pain other than just feel pain and be unhappy. Now I’d like to think that I’m making art about other things because I’m no longer in physical pain all the time. Art for me grew to become just the way I express and process all of my feelings.” – Emily Barletta, Interview on thestylecon


My Biology by Emily Barletta



yarn and clay
68 x 49 x 3 inches
Art by Emily Barletta



Untitled (water)
32 x 68 x 1 inches
Art by Emily Barletta


Learn more about Emily Barletta

Check out Emily’s stuff on Pinterest

See more of her works

rx-logo-11So do…remember the words of artist Emily Barletta – whether you or someone dear to you is in pain, “any form of self-expression can be very therapeutic. It gave me something to do when I was in pain other than just feel pain and be unhappy.”

Help yourself or that someone you love find a creative expression…

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