As prescribed by Paulina Constancia


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Hi, my name is Paulina Constancia. I’m a painter, poet, writer, teacher, wife and mother. As you can see from my photo, I am also a pseudo-doctor. Like everyone else on the planet, I seek ways to enrich  life for me and my family. In turn, I share these discoveries with you through this blog- Daily Dose of Art (DDoA).  Like a doctor, I prescribe ways you can be inspired by or inspire through art. I recommend three ways: CARE, DARE, SHARE!

CAREto have regard, affection, or consideration (for something or someone)

DARE –  to be courageous enough to try (to do something)

SHARE to partake of, use, experience, occupy, or enjoy with others

Through DDoA, I highlight arts,crafts and all things beautiful whether it’s  music, dance, architecture, food or a healthy way of life.  What I’ve discovered is that there is always joy and satisfaction in seeing, making or reflecting on art; and if experienced everyday in any of the three ways I prescribe – it’ll surely keep the (real) doctor away!

So join me for a Daily Dose of Art!

P.S. Yes, I am a ‘Pseudo’ Doctor — I pronounce that ‘SoDo’, because everyday on DDoA, I will prescribe :

image for headerSo Do… what inspires you and the world!
Remember we have the power to keep our spirits alive!


*About Caricatures: Concept by Paulina Constancia, Executed by Artist PIERRE FAMADOR

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